Horseheads' Cullin Cole recognized by Chemung County for state swimming title

WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive recognizes the significant achievements of local athletes who have demonstrated exceptional performance and d...

March 17, 2023
6:06 AM

WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive recognizes the significant achievements of local athletes who have demonstrated exceptional performance and dedication in their respective sports, and; WHEREAS, Cullin Cole, Senior of Horseheads High School, Ty Bolt, Senior of Elmira High School, Alexander Smith, Junior of Elmira High School, Trent Belloma, Sophomore of Elmira High School, Skylar Shadduck, Sophomore of Elmira High School, Alexander Gublo, Freshman of Bradway Academy, and Frankie D'Angelo, Seventh grade at Ernie Davi Academy, have exhibited outstanding athletic ability and have brought great honor and recognition to themselves and to Chemung County through their athletic accomplishments; WHEREAS, Chemung County commend and congratulate each of these athletes for their remarkable achievements, including Cullin Cole for his first place, 2023 New York State Boys Swimming Championship, with an All-American time of 20.