'Father of the milk bottle' started a company that came to Elmira and made them for the U.S.

The Elmira Advertiser of Feb. 17, 1906 boasted, 'The future industrial success of Elmira is assured. There is no longer doubt of the fact that the ...

September 12, 2022
4:12 PM

The Elmira Advertiser of Feb. 17, 1906 boasted, 'The future industrial success of Elmira is assured. There is no longer doubt of the fact that the Queen City of the Southern Tier is to become one of the most important manufacturing centers of this section of the country …' The article referred to the decision by Kennedy Valve to locate in Elmira after a two-year competition with 21 other cities, bringing in 400 jobs.That same year, the Elmira Foundry began construction of its plant at the corner of Woodlawn and College avenues.

Jim Hare